Reading Time: 4 minutes. Oxytocin is the body chemical which helps to deepen connection and cultivate commitment. Let’s dive in and find out how Tantra can inspire the slow burn of your relationship, whether it’s new or long-term…
Category: Neuroscience of Tantra
The biochemistry behind Tantra
Reading Time: 8 minutes. Love hormones are delicious – but which ones do we want – Butterflies or Fireworks? We explore the biochemistry of dating and relationships and how to navigate them
Reading Time: 7 minutes. It’s important to understand the difference between Emotions, Feelings and Moods. Tantra can help you process all of these so that you can cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and with your partner
Reading Time: 7 minutes. PORN… Is it all it’s cracked up to be? Is Porn healthy for you, your sex life and relationship? Porn has been around for decades and has provided lots of people with lots of pleasure. How does Tantra fit in? Let’s dive in and find out…
Reading Time: 8 minutes. IT TURNS OUT THAT WE CAN LEARN A FAIR BIT… These sweethearts of the sea seem to have perfected the art of connection, bonding, loving, courting and tuning in. Let’s take a look at what these gorgeous sea creatures are doing right…
Reading Time: 12 minutes. MEMORABLE KISSING. There’s kisses which are memorable because they’re passionate and steamy and some because they’re awkward. Discover the Tantric approach to kissing to ensure you’re a memorable kisser for the right reasons…
Reading Time: 8 minutes. CAN TANTRA HELP YOU ON A FIRST DATE? Hell Yeeees. Tantra’s a practice which can be used every day in all sorts of situations – it’s a wholistic approach to Life, not just sex. Dive in to discover how Tantra can help on your First Date…
Reading Time: 5 minutes. Within every relationship there are times when you’re not connecting – this is perfectly normal. However, what happens when this disconnection persists? Here’s how Tantra can help reconnect you, reignite your passion and get you sparkling again as a couple…
Reading Time: 4 minutes. If you are begging for Love, chances are, you may be making yourself sick or unhappy. Let’s take a look at how the fundamentals of Tantra can help you show up, respond positively, and stay open to all the juicy energy coming your way…
Reading Time: 3 minutes. Did you know that in Tantra, breasts are one organ? Energetically, breasts are treated as one organ not two. In Tantra, the breasts represent the HEART area and there is only one heart. Let’s see what this means for your sizzling sex life…