Reading Time: 7 minutes. HOLDING SPACE – What does this mean? As a Single and as a Couple? There are some steps you can take to improve your capacity to hold space for yourself and for others and then watch this expand all the connections in your life…
Category: Tantra for Singles
Reading Time: 10 minutes. I’ve been reflecting on the word Committment lately, and digging a bit deeper into what this means for both Couples and Singles. So What does ‘Committment’ entail and how does Tantra fit in?
Reading Time: 8 minutes. CAN TANTRA HELP YOU ON A FIRST DATE? Hell Yeeees. Tantra’s a practice which can be used every day in all sorts of situations – it’s a wholistic approach to Life, not just sex. Dive in to discover how Tantra can help on your First Date…
Reading Time: 9 minutes. Being single is tough at any time of year when you yearn to be connected, especially when holiday rituals seem to be meant for couples. Here’s how Tantra can help you be a more resilient single, especially during the holidays…
Reading Time: 3 minutes. CONNECTION is an elusive topic, and most folks think you either have it or you don’t. The truth is, you can deepen any connection with Tantra. Let’s dive in and find out how…
Reading Time: 4 minutes. If you are begging for Love, chances are, you may be making yourself sick or unhappy. Let’s take a look at how the fundamentals of Tantra can help you show up, respond positively, and stay open to all the juicy energy coming your way…
Reading Time: 5 minutes. SO WHAT EXACTLY IS TANTRA? Tantra is vast and deeply profound, with easy tools and a timeless approach. Let’s explore what Tantra is and how it can help super-charge your relationship…